supporting business

promoting economic development

Lewisporte and Area

Chamber of Commerce

Building Partnerships

Influencing Policy

With the exception of Individual members, EVERY member of the Chamber has a dedicated page on this website which provides contact information, links to their website and social media, and space for special feature advertising.

Latest News

Tourism Symposium Coming Up

Book Your Ticklet. The Lewisporte and Area Chamber of Commerce is holding a Tourism Symposium on March 27! You don't want to miss this event.

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Our Latest Newsletter

Why Us?

BE SEEN with unmatched access to the business community through our website, facebook page, special programs and drives, luncheons, publications, and trade shows.

BE HEARD at all levels of government. Strengthening the local economy is a core business of the Chamber. We are your voice.

BELONG for the referrals, for the member discounts, for the reputation, for the code of conduct, and for the friends and mentors you’ll meet.


Follow Us

The Lewisporte and Area Chamber of Commerce promotes members on Facebook. You'll also find news on local activities and events. Be sure to follow us!

Logo LAC

Member Directory

Our full Membership Directory is on this website. We keep it current, adding new members when they join.

Showcase Members

Member Web Page

When you join the Chamber we set you up with your own page on this website. You can use that page as another opportunity to promote your business

from Notre Dame Junction

to Boyd's Cove

Reasons to Join

Connect with other businesses and organizations

The Chamber of Commerce is a member driven, non- profit, organization made up of businesses, professionals, community groups and interested individuals.

It acts as a unified voice for business, enabling its membership to accomplish collectively what no one person can easily do individually.

The Chamber is a vehicle for action through which businesses can work together for the overall good of the communities we serve.

Join the Lewisporte and Area Chamber of Commerce

Becoming a member offers many valuable benefits to you and your business.



Working for a Healthy Business Environment



Expanding your business contacts


Events and Activities

Luncheons- Roundtables - Seminars

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