March News at the Chamber -2021

Read all about it! 

Our March newsletter is now available! Showcasing our member Islands Villa.  

Meet our newest member Bursey Signs !! 

New project -Souvenirs

Coming Soon!! A collection of  pewter souvenirs depicting four different areas of Interest.. read the details!!

Featured Business Member

Islands’ Villa was established in 2010. It has grown into a “must stay” location both locally and worldwide. We’re nestled in a quiet residential setting in Lewisporte, NL, overlooking Lewisporte’s beautiful harbour and world-class marina. Islands’ Villa is a state-of-the-art facility for all tourists looking for that ‘something special’.

Each suite of Islands’ Villa celebrates one of a collection of islands, found in the vast surrounds of Notre Dame Bay. Depending on which suite you choose, a little of the Islands’ history has been carefully prepared, to enlighten our guests.


Reasons to Join

Connect with other businesses and organizations

The Chamber of Commerce is a member driven, non- profit, organization made up of businesses, professionals, community groups and interested individuals.

It acts as a unified voice for business, enabling its membership to accomplish collectively what no one person can easily do individually.

The Chamber is a vehicle for action through which businesses can work together for the overall good of the communities we serve.

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