Cyber Security

Get Cyber Safe

Your computers and laptops store a huge amount of information about you. Make sure you know how to use them safely to keep that data secure. Hackers have made a business of finding more inept ways to breach security.

95% of all breaches are caused by human error. Scammers are stream lining how they can access your information and it has become a big business.

Just .5% get caught.

We need to be Educated and Aware


If we’re not careful, our computers could also be an open book for cyber criminals. Knowing how to secure devices and use them safely can be the key to keeping your personal information out of the wrong hands.

Risks to you



If your computer or laptop is infected with malware, it can give cybercriminals a back door to enter. Once a hacker has access to your computer, they can access any information stored on it, like passwords or sensitive documents.




Personal Computing Inc. a business member owned and operated by Ramsey Lutfi, located in Lewisporte. Ramsey Lutfi  has over 25 years experience and can help if you are looking at implementing solutions to protect your business. 

Ramsey Lutfi
Phone: 1-709-571-7745

Reasons to Join

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The Chamber of Commerce is a member driven, non- profit, organization made up of businesses, professionals, community groups and interested individuals.

It acts as a unified voice for business, enabling its membership to accomplish collectively what no one person can easily do individually.

The Chamber is a vehicle for action through which businesses can work together for the overall good of the communities we serve.

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